Introducing enABLE Care Management: Empowering Senior Lives, One Step at a Time

Dear Friends and Community,

For the launch of our new blog, I am delighted to share with you the story behind the inception of enABLE Care Management and the meaningful mission that drives our dedicated team. As the Founder and CEO, and recently retitled Chief Happiness Officer, it is my pleasure to introduce our company, which strives to redefine senior care by empowering and enhancing the lives of older adults and individuals with differences.

We believe in putting happiness, or quality of life, above all else. Not just in our later years, or during a difficult time, but all the time. What brings us each joy, or a sense of meaning, or quality of life, should be front and center of all that we do. (Easy, right? Ha!) We are firm believers in this concept. And we, at enABLE, all have the “gift”, as I call it, for working with older adults, so that is our focus. It’s literally why we chose our name: enABLE. Both, because we believe we are all ABLE to participate in our own lives and happiness, and because if we are ABLE to, we will. Meaning, if we can make life a little easier, if we can lighten someone’s load, or if we can just bring a smile to someone’s face, we will. And we make it our mission to do so. We literally require every staff member to ask the question at every visit, “What can I do to make you happy today?” And if the staff member is ABLE, they must do that thing for that person. It’s also why I changed my title from CEO to Chief Happiness Officer. I believe that is my main role: to bring happiness to everyone we interact with – our staff, our clients, their support systems and families, the vendors we work with, everyone.

The inspiration for enABLE Care Management originated from a lucky, or fateful if you want to think about it that way, decision. My then boyfriend, now husband, and I traveled the world after our first, albeit short, stint in the working world after college. When we got back from our travels, I wanted meaningful work and also just needed a job! The first job I took was in senior care. What a life-changing decision that was. I had no experience with older adults, other than my cherished grandparents, who I now realize had a huge impact on my life. I quickly concluded: I LOVE THIS WORK. And, I am a pretty bossy person, so I also quickly realized I wanted to be in charge. After some bobbing and weaving, some ups and downs, and an insane amount of hard work and determination, I finally managed to start my own business advocating for older adults. All I knew was I wanted to change things, I wanted to make life better for our clients and their family, and I wanted to make a difference. Fast forward to today, and here we are, enABLE. We have grown each year, we have developed our own way of delivering services, and we have really found who we are and what we stand for. I learn new things literally every day, and we continue to evolve as we learn from our peers, our clients, and our history. I have to be honest, I am so proud and so grateful to be here, today. (I am also now starting to tear up ).

*Short break while I get a tissue.*
I have now regained composure and will continue.

Our primary objective at enABLE Care Management is to enABLE aging adults to live on their terms, with dignity and support. We firmly believe that every individual deserves personalized care that meets their unique needs, preferences, and aspirations. Our holistic approach combines expert care management with areas of expertise in the main aspects we have found have the biggest impact on health and wellbeing: nutrition, medication management, enrichment, safety, end of life, and family dynamics. Combine all that with unwavering compassion and support and you get individuals maintaining their independence, involved in their own overall well-being, and an enhanced quality of life.

One of the key pillars of our philosophy is the recognition of the importance of strong, trusting relationships. We believe that building meaningful connections with our clients and their families, and earning their trust, allows us to truly understand their needs, fears, and aspirations. By fostering transparency and open communication, we create a safe and nurturing environment that enABLEs our clients and support systems to express their concerns and desires freely. This approach allows us to tailor our care plans, ensuring they align with the individual’s goals and preferences. We also believe that a person’s relationship with their older adult should remain what is most important for that relationship. I think of it like this: in any relationship, the two people are in a boat in the ocean. Sometimes it takes a while to get the boat steady – who does what and how they communicate and interact. And things come up in life that rock the boat and cause it to tip one way or the other. When people age, the boat starts to rock in those relationships because inevitably, one person is taking on more or a different role, leaving the original relationship floundering. enABLE wants to take the things that are tipping the boat, so the relationship can stay steady and focused on its destination. And, if there is only one person in the boat, we help that person keep it afloat and on course!

I always say this: it’s so difficult to explain what we can do for someone because there really are only a few things we can’t do. We can’t be the decision maker (power of attorney) and we can’t handle the money (like a fiduciary). We also can’t make miracles happen, but we sure can keep a boat steady through the storms to help reach the destination, and what that entails is different each time. Our comprehensive care management services encompass a wide range of areas. By offering an all-encompassing approach, we strive to alleviate the friction that comes with change, providing peace of mind and allowing families to focus on creating lasting memories with their loved ones.

The last thing I want to share is this: enABLE Care Management was born out of a genuine desire to redefine senior care, prioritizing compassion, empowerment, and personalization. We strive to be the trusted partner that seniors and their families can rely on during the often complex and emotional journey of aging. Our mission is to enABLE fulfilling lives well lived, surrounded by the love and comfort of friendly faces, while receiving the highest standard of care.

Thank you for joining us on this remarkable journey. I am so grateful you are here.


Stephanie Peters

Founder and CEO, enABLE Care Management

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