How Does It Work? What can you do for me?

● What is the difference between you and a caregiver?

○ A Care Manager is an advanced professional, usually with an expertise in Social Work, Occupational Therapy, Gerontology, Physical Therapy, Psychology, etc. who is trained to advocate, support and assist in navigating the aging process.
We act as a liaison between the client and their care team to ensure that their needs are met. We coordinate medical, personal, social appointments on behalf of our clients. If they have a need, we can organize to have that need met.

○ A caregiver would be someone who can provide hands-on personal care
for short or long term shifts.

● Can you advise me about the insurance I need?

○ For the most part, Care Management is not covered by any standard insurance today. There are a few long term care policies that pay for care coordination which in rare cases can cover some of the services we offer.

○ We are not insurance specialists but we can refer you to vetted vendors who work specifically in the insurance realm.

● Can you tell me about your team approach?

○ enABLE Care Management has built a village of experts, because we know it takes one.

○ We bring the village to you and your loved one to make sure you all get what you need.

● How can you help me?

○ We can help facilitate most every area of need for an aging adult. You need us to give your cat a flea treatment, we can do that. Your dryer is broken and you need it repaired, we can make that happen. You need someone to talk to your medical team and advocate on your behalf, we’ve got you. You need someone to check in on you, take you to lunch or shopping, we can do that too. It’s up to you.

Can you help me with?

●  What services do you offer?

○ Please refer to this page for the complete list of our services,

● Do you offer transportation?

○ Yes. It is our role to find the most suitable option for our clients needs. Sometimes that might be us, sometimes it might not.

● What are some things you can’t do?

○ We are non-medical so we cannot give injections
○ Cannot manage client finances

● Will you attend doctor’s visits?

○ Yes

● How will I know if I need help from your dietician?

○ Your dedicated care manager will assess and help determine when it is appropriate to bring in someone like a dietician, etc.

● Will you move my loved one?

○ While we don’t physically move people, we do orchestrate moves all the time.

● Will you tell me what I should do?

○ Our role is to educate and provide options for families but we are not decision makers, the decision will always lie with the client or responsible party.

● Can you provide me with a list of referrals?

○ Yes

Billing Structure/ How we Charge

● Do you charge for drive time?

○ Yes, 75 cents/mile and drive time to and from our corporate office or the care managers previous location, to your home, whichever is closest.

● Do you charge for billing?

○ Nope! You are only charged for services surrounding your care.

● Who pays for your services?

○ We are private pay (conservator, client, responsible party)

●  How do you pay for my loved ones expenses?

○ We use a reloadable debit card called True Link to pay for any expenses for clients on top of our services. You can also provide a personal card to pay for any expenses on behalf of your loved one.

● How will I be billed?

○ Our billing policy is to send out an invoice on the 1st and 16th of every month

● Is there an hourly minimum per month?

○ 6 hours

● Do I need to sign up for a certain amount of time?

○ No

● What if I want to terminate services?

○ You can do so at any time. Our recommendation is to provide 2 weeks notice so that we can gather all documentation and necessary paperwork to return to you

● What is your hourly rate?

○ $250

● What if I am on a budget?

○ We can work within budgets as long as the budget meets our 6 hour minimum requirement. We can look at the action items from our Care Plan with families and support systems to identify areas where we can assist and areas that you might like to take on to best support your budgetary needs.

● How do you charge for after hours?

○ Working hours are M-F 8am-6pm, anything after or outside of those hours would be charged at a rate of time and a half, including weekend work. During regular hours we bill in increments of .25. Anything after hours is billed in increments of .50.

● How do you charge for after hours?

○ Working hours are M-F 8am-6pm, anything after or outside of those hours would be charged at a rate of time and a half, including weekend work. During regular hours we bill in increments of .25. Anything after hours is billed in increments of .50.

● Will I be charged after hour charges for work on a holiday?

○ Yes, for enABLE specified holidays

● What does the Engage fee cover?

○ Administrative costs to set things up and the Admissions Meeting.

● How will I be billed?

○ We bill hourly, down to the quarter hour. If it takes 5 minutes to have an email exchange with your care manager, you will be charged .25

● How often am I billed?

○ Twice a month on the 1st and the 16th of the month

Protocol Questions- what happens if caregiver doesn’t show up, etc?

● What about if there is an emergency?

○ If there is an emergency, call 911. We are not an emergency service, however, we do make every attempt to support our clients when they are experiencing an emergency situation. This could mean coordinating with the hospital in the event of a hospitalization, or coming to the hospital to advocate and support on their behalf. Should an emergency occur outside of business hours, you would be charged the after hours rate of time and a half for Care Management services rendered.

● Can we skip the assessment?

○ No, the assessment provides us with a wonderful opportunity to get to know our clients. It is a critical part of the support and advocacy needed to be a successful care manager.

● What does an assessment entail?

○ Assessments entail gathering information (visually, cognitively, and through medical records) from the client and the clients ecosystem/support team to help us to have a holistic idea of the current client state. It is also an opportunity for us to begin trust building with the client.

● Can services be terminated by enABLE or myself? How does this work?

○ Yes, you can terminate services at any time but we prefer to have at least 2 weeks of notice so we can make a thoughtful and complete handover of documents and tie up any loose ends.

○ Let your Care Manager know if you need to terminate services

Next Steps

● What is covered in the Admissions Meeting?

○ The admissions meeting is our opportunity to get a solid foundation and base for understanding the clients needs and care plan goals. We will gather information about legal, medical, and client support team at this time.

● How do I get started?

○ Let us know that you are ready to move forward and we will send you an agreement to sign. Once signed, we will set up an Admissions meeting and after that we will introduce you to your Care Management team.

● Who will be my care manager?

○ We make determinations about the Care Management Team based on expertise, location and availability. We try to think about each individual person and match them to the appropriate team members.

● Will I meet the care manager before we start services?

○ Typically Care Managers are not introduced until we have a signed agreement at which point they will meet the client in person to begin the assessment process.

● What if we don’t like the care manager that is assigned to us?

○ We understand that not every connection is a love connection. Sometimes people are not a good fit for any number of reasons. Luckily, we have a robust team and we can make adjustments accordingly.

● Can you come meet us before we sign up?

○ Yes. Typically we get a signed agreement before sending someone out in person however, if there is a desire to meet in person we can certainly make that happen. (*Please note that the person who is doing the intake will most likely not be your Care Manager ongoing.)

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